How to supplement protein at breakfast?

Protein combinations and recipes from the Nutrition Trainer

Pancake proteico Creamy Protein 80 NAMEDSPORT> - proteine a colazione

Protein at breakfast is often a big absentee on our tables. A good breakfast on the other hand, especially if you’re a sportsman, should include a proportion of proteins combined with complex carbohydrates, such as cereals, preferably wholegrain, but also oilseeds and dried and fresh fruit.

In particular, including proteins at breakfast helps you to:
– manage hunger pangs, prolonging the sense of satiety;
– avoid glycaemic peaks, which can occur with breakfasts based on simple sugars and refined flours;
– keep weight and fat mass under control;
– nourish muscles after fasting at night.

There are many types of protein breakfasts, just look at the tables of the Nordic peoples: eggs, bacon, pancakes with maple syrup, toast with peanut butter etc. But how do you supplement protein for breakfast if you are a sportsman and normally use protein supplements to meet your increased nutrient needs?

A great way to supplement protein for breakfast could be:
a smoothie made with fruit and protein powder together with a cereal or toast.

The smoothie is made with water or milk (or if you prefer rice milk or oat milk), 1 banana, 1 apple, 2 kiwis and added protein powder. Puoi usare le Star Whey (whey protein isolate of Carbery® Isolac® 90 quality) or Super 100% Whey (whey protein isolate of Carbery® Carbelac® 80 quality), in chocolate or vanilla flavour, which are the two most suitable flavours for fruit smoothies. In the winter months, during periods of mass and more intense training, prefer Super 100% Whey; in the warmer months, during periods of definition and competition, prefer Star Whey.

If you risk missing breakfast because you’re in a hurry or you’re out of the house and don’t have time to stop at the table, don’t skip this important meal of the day. Take a Crunchy Protein Bar with you, perhaps a low-sugar one, to eat on the fly with fresh fruit.

If, on the other hand, you have a little extra time, perhaps at the weekend when the pace slows down, you could prepare this personally tested recipe: protein pancakes made with Creamy Protein 80, protein powder with 5 natural sources of protein (whey protein concentrate, whey isolate, egg protein, calcium caseinate), perfect allies in controlled diets because they are filling, satisfying to the palate and nourishing to the muscles without weighing you down.

Protein pancake
Ingredients for 10 pancakes
– 100g wheat flour 00 or oat flour
– 30g of Creamy Protein 80
– 2 whole eggs or 3 egg whites
– 150g Greek yoghurt
– 3g baking powder
– 50-60g rice/oat/wheat milk
– 0,5/1g salt

Nutritional values
81 kcal per pancake
Carbohydrates: 42%
Protein: 29%
Fats: 29%

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a whisk until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. If necessary, add a little milk while continuing to mix to remove any lumps.

Leave to rest for 15-30 minutes outside the fridge and then cook in a non-stick pan with a little hot oil, browning the pancakes one side at a time.

Season to taste and enjoy.