3 NAMEDSPORT> branched-chain amino acids for different types of athlete


Our laboratories have developed three different BCAA formulations for three specific sporting and nutritional needs of anyone who exercises.

Before we guide you through this decision, let’s learn a little more about a few characteristics common to all three of our products that distinguish them from the many others you can find on the market.

All NAMEDSPORT> BCAA supplements are:

  • Gluten Free
  • Lactose Free
  • In 1g rapid-absorption tablets
  • With Vitamin B6 to combat tiredness and fatigue

Let’s choose your NAMEDSPORT> BCAA together

What are you looking for?

  • Recovery
  • Resistance
  • Development and maintenance of muscle mass

Your sport: Fitness – Running – Swimming – Mountain biking – Football – Basketball – Volleyball – Rugby – Alpine skiing

Your NAMEDSPORT> BCAA supplement is: BCAA 2:1:1

What are you looking for?

  • Recovery
  • Resistance
  • Cultivation of muscle mass
  • High purity for better absorption

Your sport: Fitness – Running – Swimming – Mountain biking – Mountain climbing – Amateur cycling

Your NAMEDSPORT> BCAA supplement is: Extra-pure KyowaQuality® BCAA advanced> 

What are you looking for?

  • More efficient recovery
  • Definition
  • Development and maintenance of muscle mass
  • Extra purity (99%) for optimal absorption
  • Formula suitable for vegans and vegetarians

Your sport: Body Building – Professional road cycling – Crossfit – Triathlon – Cross-country skiing

Your NAMEDSPORT> BCAA supplement is: Extra-pure Ajipure® BCAA 4:1:1 extremePRO, the only one obtained from the fermentation of natural plant-derived carbohydrates, guaranteeing optimal recovery thanks to the 4:1:1 ratio that provides 66.6% Leucine

Why supplement your sporting diet with NAMEDSPORT> BCAAs?

The BCAAs (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) are the three branched-chain amino acids that make up 35% of muscle and that are more intensively consumed during sporting activity.

Unlike protein supplements or protein-rich foods found in nature, BCAA-based supplements provide Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine in a free form that is immediately usable by the athlete, bypassing the liver’s metabolism and acting directly on the work of the muscles. Branched-chain amino acids must be introduced into your diet as the body is incapable of synthesising them independently.

BCAA supplements are particularly recommended BEFORE and AFTER an intense, prolonged workout.

BEFORE exercise

  • They work to provide energy during muscular exertion
  • They do not place needless strain on the digestive system or divert blood needed for active muscles thanks to their association with Vitamin B6, they help to combat tiredness and fatigue

AFTER exercise

  • They are involved in the protein synthesis processes
  • They support the maintenance of muscle mass in the case of intense athletic performance and low-calorie diets
  • They help to support the recovery phase